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Please be advised I Thracy Parks (also known as; Thray-Thug), am said to be a lyricist. I wirte and rap my own lyrics. I have enclosed my solo album (for the streets cuz im in them mixtape)
I have a company that each write thier own lyrics also. We are from Alexandria, Virgina. We know that not many rappers from our city have accomplished this difficult journey, so we plan to be the first. Our goal is to get a record deal based on our talent, ability and effort. We are a very different style of lyricist compared to the past generations with a positve message to share with the world. I am requesting that you review my solo with your honest opinion. Do not be the one record label that miss the opportunity to help launch Enigmatic, because you refused to listen!!!!! My group and I will continue our search of seekers until we are found. If you are not interested please have the courtesy to respond via postmail, phone or e-mail. Thank you in advance for your urgent attention and cooperation.